Student Money

SU Research on students cost of living and study


Cost of Living Report

In the 2022/2023 Academic Year, Arts SU researched how students are impacted by the Cost of Living crisis, lead by our Senior Policy and Research Officer

The research for this report was conducted via an electronic survey, accessible to all current UAL students. The survey was composed as a series of Likert-style questions, rank choice questions, and open text comments. It asked students about their experiences of the rising cost of living, as well as collecting demographic data.

You can read the report here

Visit the Student Cost of Living Hub

Cost of Study Research

Studying can be expensive, particularly when your subject requires you to fund the materials you use. Student expenditure is not limited to tuition fees and we are concerned that UAL students face particularly high costs when it comes to completing their course. We believe that studying at UAL should be accessible, regardless of your financial background, and so are lobbying UAL to address the impact of these additional costs.

To help us make the case to UAL we wrote a report on the expense students go to study here and the impact it has.

Read our report


As a direct result of our lobbying efforts we have

  • Successfully lobbied for a £250,000 a year fund to help students in hardship
  • To make the cost of graduation free for all home students who receive a grant with an application process for EU and International students
  • To establish an activities fund, allowing everyone to access sports and societies
  • To cut the cost of printing
  • To make online submission mandatory for all written work that is not being marked on presentation