A pink unicorn stands clapping on a field of grass with spectators behind a fence.

Architecture Society


  • Architecture Society Standard Membership£0.00

About Architecture Society

AS:CSM is a student-led society for the people of Spatial Practices. We believe in the importance of collaborative working, being one community, and having a social and political agenda. The society provides a platform of opportunities, to support the engagement of students and generate networks within the college and across London. Our approach is through sharing ideas, experiences, and knowledge with an open mind; helping each other as we are all here to pursue our path and emerge as young practitioners into the world.

Throughout the year, we have hosted events, workshops, and gatherings, stimulating the interaction between stages and courses. For BA Architecture, we have organised overlapping portfolio workshops for Stage 1 with Stage 2, with the aim to create connectivity, encourage interaction, and learn from the production of each other's work. The society has gained a greater online presence by sharing student works, publishing quotes and ideologies about architecture, and keeping students informed about London's exciting events.

(We are not limited to CSM Students)


There are no events listed for this group right now. Why not get in touch and suggest something?


Service Design Society Committee Elections 2025

Service Design Society Committee Elections 2025

2 posts are up for election.

Nominations open at 09:00 on Monday 24 February 2025 (in 39 hours)

The polls open at 09:00 on Thursday 27 February 2025 (in 4 days and 15 hours)