A pink unicorn stands clapping on a field of grass with spectators behind a fence.


Varsity is the biggest sporting event in the calendar at UAL. Every year, our sports teams compete against our rivals Goldsmiths’ sports teams, with the winner taking home the Arts Cup Trophy.



This years’ competitive sports day against our rivals Goldsmiths will be held on Saturday 8th March at University of Greenwich (Avery Hill Campus). Make sure to note it down in your calendar, because you do not want to miss out!


What is Varsity?

Varsity is the biggest sporting event in the calendar at UAL. Every year, our sports teams compete against our rivals Goldsmiths’ sports teams, with the winner taking home the Arts Cup Trophy. Every year is jam packed with sports fixtures across one day. We took home the trophy in 2024 and we will be looking to do the same again this year! 


Varsity is a free event open to all students, so whether you want to compete, cheer our teams on, or just sample the party atmosphere, come and join in. If you’ve never been to a Varsity before and want to get an idea of the day, check out our video and pictures from Varsity 2020 and our pictures from Varsity 2022 as well as Varsity 2023 and Varsity 2024!


