Date Tuesday 25 February 2025
Node Center for Curatorial Studies are delivering a short course in Queer Art and Queer Curating.
"As part of the LGBTQIA+25 HM, we have this incredible opportunity from our Arts Programme team. Students can get tools of queer exhibition making and queer art history as a vehicle for activism." - The Arts SU Sabbatical Officer Team
This course will give an introduction to queer theories, queer art practices, and to ongoing conversations about forms and methods of queer exhibition-making. Queer curating not only relates to a better representation of the diversity of gender and sexuality in collections and exhibitions, it also addresses how this can be achieved. Queer curating challenges the museum and exhibition as normalizing entities, where meanings are created and binary and heteronormative structures are reinforced.
This course will explore specific practices that question heteronormative and binary settings and conventional artistic and curatorial processes. Participants will receive a grounding in the history of queer art and the most important exhibitions dealing with LGBTIQ+ representations and discourses. Since the important question in the processes of queering exhibitions is not only what is presented but also how it is presented, this course will explore potential future directions in curating from a queer perspective. In particular, the course will inspire rethinking exhibitions, collections, art mediation and education as well as personnel policies, and will encourage participants to set new thematic priorities.
This is a five week interactive course with online sessions each week.
The course runs from 7th May - 4th June 2025.
For more information on the course follow this link: Queer Art and Queer Curating - Node Center
The Arts SU aims to support UAL students with developing their professional practice. Therefore, we are working with Node Center to offer FREE places on this course for two UAL students.
For this opportunity we are specifically looking to support UAL students who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are particularly keen to support LGBTQIA+ students who feel they have not been able to gain curatorial experience so far in their studies. We are also looking to support students of the global majority to ensure diversity and equality in who gets to develop this knowledge and experience.
If you want to apply to attend this course, please send in your application to us using this LINK.
If you have any queries about this course or the application process, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Arts Programme team at the Arts SU -