The Arts Programme team host a series of events throughout the academic year specifically designed with your needs in mind. But we know that sometimes you just need to learn in your own time and space. So, we encourage you to delve into the ever-growing bank of resources to support your development when it best suits you.


The Arts Programme team host a series of events throughout the academic year specifically designed with your needs in mind. But we know that sometimes you just need to learn in your own time and space. So, we encourage you to delve into the ever-growing bank of resources to support your development when it best suits you.

Explore commissioned resources below.

If you feel any themes are missing or have an area of development you would like us to support you on, please get in touch so we can see what we can do!


Creative self-worth

Technical creative skills


Business sense



Looking for more? 

There are so many other organisations that are offering support and advice. We have listed some of our favorites below.

UAL Careers and Employability - Careers and Employability empowers UAL students and graduates to make a living doing what they love and strives to support those underrepresented in the creative industries.

UAL Creative Shift - Creative Shift delivers a programme of opportunities co-created with industry to specifically support students from underrepresented backgrounds, offering practical know-how, tools and access to peer and professional networks.

Artquest - Advice, opportunities, and insight for visual artists

Kei Maye - Helps artists & creators develop careers.