Find out what happened at our Annual General Meeting 2020 held on Monday 30th November 2020.
On Monday 30th November 2020, 4:00pm - 5:30pm, we held our Annual General Meeting which gave the opportunity for all our members (UAL students) to direct and question how the Students' Union (SU) represents you at the University of Arts London.
As an independent organisation to the University, we exist to represent your interests, give independent advice, and provide opportunities for you to socialize and develop your creative practice.
You can view the presentation slides from the meeting: HERE
1. Officer Campaigns Update
Your elected student representatives (Full-Time Officers) gave an update on their campaign priorities for the year and the progress made so far. These campaigns are:
2. Resolution on Articles of Association Vote
Changes to the Arts SU Articles of Association (Organisation Governing Document) were presented at the meeting, following on from the communication all students recieved two weeks prior from the Students' Union about the vote with the resolution document. A vote was held at the meeting upon which the results were:
For: 34 (79.06%)
Against: 4 (9.30%)
Abstain: 4 (9.30%)
With the resolution to the Articles requiring a 75% of those in favor to pass, the vote has met that requirement and hence the resolution has passed.
3. Finance Report 2019/2020
The financial report gives a detailed breakdown on the budget/spending of the Students' Union for the academic year of 2019/2020. More information can be found in the slides linked above. No questions were asked by attendees in regard to financial report.
4. Democracy Review 
An update was given on our Democratic Review we are conducting at the Students' Union. We also held a poll with those present around students thoughts on their interactions with the Union's democratic processes. However, all students can get involved in the Democracy Review by filling in our survey (closes on the 10th December).
5. Officer Q&A
We had a wide range of questions submitted to our Officers upon which responses will be relayed out and documented on our website very soon, so keep an eye out. Some of the questions answered, were around:
- What activity was being taken to seek financial compensation from the University as a result to disruption caused by Covid-19?
- Can students who are not registered with the Union take part in Union activities?
- When will we be able to meet in person for club and society activities?
- What is the update on British University and College Sport (BUCS)?
- How does Arts SU plan to be actively and sustainably anti-racist and be more inclusive of queer BIPOC?
- How the SU collaborated with tutor strikes last term? Is there support for students looking to lobby / protest the government on issues such as debt forgiveness and rent pauses?
If you have any further questions about the meeting please don't hestitate to get in contact with