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Support Available for UAL Students

Following the recent unrest across parts of the UK, Arts Students’ Union is here to support you and we stand against any form of violence or hate crime.

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Following the recent unrest across parts of the UK, Arts Students’ Union is here to support you and we stand against any form of violence or hate crime. We recognise that members may feel anxious or unsafe because of these events. We will always be a safe space for you.

Arts Students’ Union Advice service offers confidential, impartial and non-judgemental advice on a range of academic, housing and university issues that may affect your experience. You can find out more about our service and how to book an appointment with us here.

Tell Someone

UAL take all reports of racism, bullying, harassment and sexual violence seriously to promote a safe and inclusive environment. If you see or experience it, please report it through the Tell Someone form. The Tell Someone form enables you to record a concern and be put in touch with a member of staff to discuss next steps. UAL can let you know about the support available, discuss formal and informal ways of resolving an issue, and signpost you to further information. UAL will listen to you and be guided by you in terms of considering next steps. You also have the option of making an anonymous report.

Reporting a Crime at UAL

If you have any urgent security concerns, you can report them to the site Reception or to the security team at your college.

You can also report any incidents and concerns via UAL’s Security Incident Report Form.  

Reporting a Crime Outside UAL

We hope you will not have to, but if you need to report a crime in the UK, you can report the incident to the Police.

  • You should call 999 in an emergency.
  • If you are deaf or hard of hearing, you can use the Police textphone service 18000 or text them on 999 if you have pre-registered with the emergency SMS service.
  • You can report a crime by calling 101 or report this online if the situation is not an emergency.

Extenuating Circumstances (ECs)

You can apply for extenuating circumstances if your experiences have made it harder for you to focus on your course, finish your work or submit your work.  

Arts SU Advice Services can guide you through the extenuating circumstances process and help you understand what evidence you can use to support your EC claim. You can find more information about the EC process on our website here.

If you would like support applying for extenuating circumstances, you can book an appointment to speak with an Arts SU adviser here or email us by filling out our online form here.

UAL Health Advice and Counselling Services

If you would like to speak to someone about how you are feeling and receive support, you can reach out to the UAL Health Advice and Counselling services. You can request support by completing their online form. They also offer drop-in sessions and information on where to access help in an emergency - you can find more information about the support you can receive here.

External Support Services

  • Togetherall - a safe place for UAL students to share what’s on your mind and get support with your mental health and wellbeing. The service is online, completely anonymous and moderated by trained professionals. It’s available 24/7 so you can access it at a time that suits you, from the comfort of home.
  • Samaritans- This is a telephone, email and visitor service for anyone who needs a space to talk and they have a 24-hour confidential listening service.
  • Papyrus Hopeline UK- This is a confidential helpline for young people dealing with suicide, depression and emotional distress. If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned for someone who might be you can contact HOPELINEUK for confidential support and practical advice.
  •  Kooth- Kooth services are available online without a waiting list or any need for a referral. Joining anonymously takes 1 minute and allows you access to live chat and messaging with BACP-qualified mental health professionals, self-help resources and support from the community.
  • Galop – Provides support for LGBTQIA+ adults and young people who have experienced a hate crime.
  • Citizens Advice- They have guidance on reporting a hate crime/hate incident to the Police and the process that follows.
  • CATCH: Communities Against Hate- CATCH is a group of charities that can provide specialist advice and help to people targeted with violence, abuse or harassment because of their race, religion, disability, sexuality or gender identity.
  • Tell MAMA- This is an online portal where you can address concerns and record any incident you experience because of your Muslim faith or someone perceiving you to be Muslim. They can effectively map incidents across the UK and refer you for support.
  • Islamophobia Response Unit- They provide a platform for victims to confidentially report hate incidents, crimes and discrimination.
  • Chinese Information and Advice Centre- Their service provides free information and advice to support Chinese people in the UK in reporting a hate crime.
  • Victim Support- Get in touch for independent, free and confidential advice if you need support after a crime.
  • Strut Safe – Strut Safe is a judgement free UK wide phoneline running Friday, Saturdays and Sundays. If you’re walking alone, their volunteers will be a friendly voice to help keep you company and feel safe until you get through the door.

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