A photograph of a student asking a question at the Annual Members Meeting 2022

Academic Representation

We ensure that every UAL student's academic interests are represented through course and school representatives.

What is a Course Rep?

Course Reps are student volunteers who work with staff and students to improve the academic experience of everyone studying on their course. We recommend that each course has at least two Course Reps, or for larger courses, roughly one rep per 25 students.

They represent the views of their fellow students on everything from teaching quality and curriculum content, to facility access and a sense of community. Course Reps ensure that students' views and feedback are part of the decision-making processes within each school/department across the University.

Any student can volunteer to be a course rep. The role is flexible and fits around studies with no prior experience necessary.

What is a School Rep?

School Reps are elected student volunteers who represent students across all courses within their school/cluster. 

Once elected, School Reps meet regularly with their College Officer and Arts SU staff. They support Course Reps by raising feedback and issues at school level as well as representing students in their School once a term at Board of Study meetings. They also attend ad-hoc meetings with key staff from their College throughout the year and support engagement and community development within the school.

Any student can run to be a School Rep. The role is flexible and fits around studies with no prior experience necessary.

Find my school

What are the benefits of being a Rep?

Making positive change

By working with staff on your course, school/department and other elected representatives to raise feedback and put actions into place, Reps help to influence positive change that will improve the academic experience for both current and future students. 

Professional Development

Reps are offered training to help them confidently fulfil their role. 


Reps have the opportunity to meet other reps from across UAL and attend various social events throughout the year.

Contact Us

The Education Quality Team are here to support student reps and answer any questions about academic representation. Reach out to us by email at coursereps@su.arts.ac.uk