Ultimate Frisbee is a great opportunity to learn a unique and new sport, whilst also meeting friendly new people! We are a mixed gender club, and welcome everyone of all abilities and experience to join! We usually train every Saturday from 1pm-3pm at Southwark Park. To keep up with our trainings, and any other updates- please check out our Instagram: @ual_frisbee and join our Whatsapp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fy1EHFmwtHUCUVdg993RDM
COMMITTEE 2023/24:
President/Captain: Carina Chong (c.chong0120211@arts.ac.uk)
Treasurer:Tze Wei Loke (t.loke0420211@arts.ac.uk)
Secretary/Comms Officer: Tina Tseng (y.tseng0320231@arts.ac.uk)
Social Secretary: Boris Lam (b.lam0120201@arts.ac.uk)
Coach: Carina Chong (c.chong0120211@arts.ac.uk)